This is an addition to my previously published guide on how to install Windows with BootCamp on an external device.
The aim is to integrate drivers into a Windows 10 ISO. This allows windows to install them during boot/setup process and have them ready as soon as Windows starts. This in combination with unattended setup can simplify recurring installations of Windows immensely.
- PC running Windows 10.
- Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10: Windows ADK downloads — Windows Hardware Dev Center
- Alternative: VirtalBox or VMWare Fusion (or the virtualisation software of your choice) for running Windows 10 on MacOS
- For the sake of this guide, I expect that you have access either to a physical or virtual Windows 10 installation with admin rights.
- You can get a current ISO here:
Prepare Files for the integration process
Start your Windows 10 installation and create the following folders
- Mount the Windows 10 ISO file and copy the contents to C:/workspace/ISO
2. Copy the drivers you would like to integrate (in this example from the BootCamp Support Software Drive created under MacOS) to C:/workspace/drivers
NOTE: Only .inf style drivers can be added this way, not .exe files. These need to be extracted if possible in order to be integrated offline.
Start a Power Shell instance as an admin (search for Power Shell and click on Run As Administrator)
Check for the correct version and take note of the Index
Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath C:\workspace\ISO\sources\install.wim
Mount-WindowsImage -Path C:\workspace\mount\ -ImagePath C:\workspace\ISO\sources\install.wim -Index 6
Once the process is done, we can add the drivers
Add-WindowsDriver -Path C:\workspace\mount\ -Driver C:\workspace\drivers -Recurse -ForceUnsigned
Now we can seal the package again
Dismount-WindowsImage -Path C:\workspace\mount\ –Save
Note: The drivers are integrated only for the version you chose above, in my case Windows 10 Pro. You need to do this for all versions you plan to use this way. The ISO file can get excessively large!
Create a bootable ISO file
In order to complete the integration process, we need to compress the files back into an ISO file.
You need to install the toolkit from the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10. You should have the adksetup.exe somewhere (see Prerequisites). Start the installation process.
We only need to install/update/add the Deployment Tools
Once installed search for Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment and Run as administrator
Return to the root of the C drive (if that is the drive you have Windows installed)
and then (I know it looks weird)
C:\>oscdimg.exe -m -o -u2 -udfver102 -bootdata:2#p0,e,bc:\workspace\ISO\boot\,e,bc:\workspace\ISO\efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin c:\workspace\ISO c:\integrated10.iso
Well done!
This creates a Windows 10 image with the drivers for BootCamp integrated. Now continue with installing Windows with BootCamp on an external device.